
Monday, 5 November 2012

I moustache you a question.

Good luck to all those you NaNoWriMo contestants. Yes it's November and time for the National Novel Writing Month again. Not the snappiest acronym I've ever seen, and almost as bad as Movember.
NaNoWriMo is not for the procrastinators among us. Last year I procrastinated right into December before I made my mind up about NaNoWriMo that I wasn't going to do it. (Can anyone say the word NaNoWriMo without sounding like they have got a mouth full of cake?) The word limit to reach is 1,666.66 recurring words per day, which isn't too bad unless you have missed a day and it becomes 3,333.33 recurring.
Maybe I should look at Movember. Less pressure than NaNoWriMo. All you have to do is watch it grow whilst you sit still, or lie down and let that hair grow on the Parafiltrum, (which is the name of the skin between the nose and the upper lip. I once studied Anatomy and Physiology). Movember is sponsored  moustache  growing during the month of November. I could, of course consider entering both. Okay, okay, it's the end of the 4th day in November... allow me some procrastination please. But how could I write 1,666.66 recurring words per day when I have to concentrate on my itchy Parafiltrum, (because that's what will happen if I grow a moustache, it will itch). 
I am not the most hirsute individual, by any means. Admittedly, I can grow hair better in the shade than I do on top, but I can grow a moustache thicker than a woman, can, well most women, not all women. But previous efforts have been a little thin to say the least. So maybe I'll procrastinate moustache growing and shave it for later.
Movember supports men's cancer charities, so I'll sponsor someone at work.


  1. Like your title :-) So, are you or are you not growing a moustache this month? Sponsoring someone else to do it seems a good idea to me. I hit the problem of almost missing a day's writing this weekend. Wonderful weekend in the Cotswolds (it even snowed and we had a log fire - bliss!)I managed a couple of hours but that calculator on NaNoWriMo tells me I shall finish 4th December if I don't get cracking. I shall ignore it for now I think though it does urge one on...Must go, got to get typing :-)

  2. Yes Deborah, you musdache :-)

  3. You are funny (dad funny;)! Great post! I am like you, a procrastinator. There, I've said it. I have signed up for Nano the last three years, but have vowed to do only 25,000 words. I know what I'm able to do and would like to also have a life, or participate in life if anything interesting arose, so 50-60,000 in a month is just too much for me. Now if I could just stop spot editing and finish the 25,000 I'd be doing great.

  4. Thanks Stephanie. It is so refreshing to know that I'm not alone in my ways. Perhaps we could start a help group for writers devoted to a lifetime of procrastination. We would never get round to having meetings. It would be, "perhaps next month... I haven't got round to organising it yet... leave it with me... I'll get back to you," and then get back to doing the crossword.
    You may laugh, but JK Rowling seemed to be in no hurry to become a multi-billionaire, when, by her own admission, she spent countless hours playing Minesweeper, to get away from Harry Potter.
    I believe procrastination is what defines a great writer. How can a writer write, without taking time out to think about it?
