
Monday, 2 April 2012

One year later Another Grand Day Out

If it's April Fools Day, you just have to get yourself down to your nearest Comedy Workshop. I'm sorry but it has to be done.

It is exactly a year since my last visit to Jan Etherington's Comedy Writing Course - Spring Workshop (click on the link for details)
Twelve miles west of Central London in the beautiful leafy suburb of Sunbury-on-Thames, home to the Riverside Arts Centre.
Just like last year it was a beautiful spring day and the daffodils were out on the river bank. 
This year there were just five of us, which was intentional. In that way the focus was very much on the work we are currently writing. I was a bit nervous about standing at the front and reading scripts out loud. To get stage fright in a small studio with just a handful of people was not something I wanted to tell my grand-children about, so after the first reading I decided to man-up and volunteered myself for the second one.
Anyway I was in good  company so there was nothing to worry about.
Jan is the best mentor an aspiring writer could wish for and she also makes good sandwiches and lots of them.
This year I took Henley's Ricotta, which is under re-development with the introduction of more characters and storyline.
We were kept busy throughout the day, which went too quickly. Jan doesn't beat about the bush when it comes to criticism, after all that's why we were there, Compliments are best kept in the family, but for those writers who really wish to develop, Jan and people like her who have years of valuable experience to share have all of the right answers that will help motivate, inspire and polish skills. Thanks Jan :-)


  1. A lovely summing up of another inspirational day - and so speedy too. It was great to meet you again John. Wishing you all the best with Henley's Ricotta. Oh, and your 'stage fright' was certainly not evident! Thank you for your supportive performance of my 'Pharmacy Delivery Person' :)

  2. Thanks Sue and good luck with your script. When (not if) it gets commissioned, actress's 'of a certain age' will be clamouring to play the part of your Countess.
