
Saturday, 7 January 2012

Get Writing 2012

Is anybody going to Get Writing 2012 on February 11th?
This will be the third time I've attended and because it is such a great motivator for me and an event where one can network, make contacts and get oneself known. There is a short story competition, you can pitch to an agent or publisher (book your pitch early as places are limited) seminars and workshops and there is lunch is included in the booking fee. If you are attending, I might see you there. Just look out for the chap with a red face.
The venue is at a good location with easy rail and motorway links: at the DeHavilland Campus, Hatfield, Herts. 

I'm up to chapter 4 with the Henley project. I want to increase the pace to that of a farce with a touch of slapstick but have some meaningful dialogue. I'm reasonably happy with how the story is developing. Writing Henley as a novel instead of a script has given me more latitude  to release me from the constraints of having to share the storytelling with a director and cast. This leaves me more scope for some exposition (but not too much... let's leave some of it for the reader to fill in the gaps).
However, I still have much work to do on Henley's Ricotta the stage play, which I hope to have ready by Spring.


  1. Hello John - I don't get the time to attend such events I'm afraid but I hope you find it as interesting as it sounds. I am back in the land of Blog and looking forward to catching up with what I have missed. Happy New year!

  2. Happy New Year to you too Deborah. Great to have you back in the land of blog. I know from reading your blog that your absence was a good indication of what a terrific family Christmas you had.
    As far as Get Writing 2012 is concerned, I will feed back on this blog a summary and highlight some of the issues that have been discussed.
