It seems I have a lot more work to do on Henley, having been given good sound advice on structure and characterisation within the context of a farce stageplay plus pointing out some more obvious gaffs on my part.
So I have plenty of work ahead of me. Henley's the ebook, may not take the reader in the same direction as Henley the stage play. I'll have to examine the structure of both individually before I dive in feet first. Add to that I have just completed a short story to submit to the Verulam Writer's Circle conference competition. This will be my third VWC conference. It is complete and I have plenty of time to make it shine as the conference is not until Feb 11th next year. It's at Hatfield University, easily accessible by road and rail. I've booked my ticket today. If you want a three minute pitch to an editor, agent or publisher, book now as places are fast running out. Just make sure you have done your research to ensure you are pitching to the right person for you. All the info can be found on the website. If your going let me know and I'll see you there.
Gym is going well. Lost over a stone in weight so far. I'm hoping my increase in physical agility will improve my mental agility.