At last it's posted, the first 15 pages of Henley's Ricotta. The dialogue is almost sitting comfortably but it needs at least another draft.
At last I have some followers and comments. Hello and welcome to Nari, Judith, Deborah and Daspikster.
I will reply to your comments in due course and follow your blogs too which I will ensure is well publicised within these pages.
I've been reading a lot lately which has left me less time for writing. But it's not all bad, because I reckon I needed to recharge my batteries and what better way for a writer to do that than to stick with the written word and read books.
My current reading is something that I am reading for the third time in my life... Oliver Twist. Not my most favourtie Dickens story... but oh boy, even today his prose simply takes your breath away and takes you back to a bygone era in a way no modern writer could emulate. Social history as written by one who has experienced those times.
Finalising Henley's Ricotta is my next task... and maybe I'll try my hand at sending Fairfax to the Writersroom before Christmas. I also have some new stuff started.
I have been to the last meeting of the Screenwriters group I belong to until next year, which leaves me plenty of time to get something ready for them to critique.
I am lucky to be in such good company in my writers group, many of them involved or employed in the film and television industry.
I just hope there is still room for people like myself with raw talent.
If you have read this please comment and you are welcome to follow. Always nice to associate with other writers.
Until next time, keep scribbling.
Hi John, thank you for commenting on my blog and I have to say I enjoyed your own Sheriff's tale. How weird that we were both daubed with the Australian brush! I should point out that I am English but the friend I was with is a native of California - we met in an online writers’ group. I don’t have a London accent, mine is Essex and no, nothing like the London-Essex accent that is recognised these days. My mother would have had a fit if I dropped an ‘h’ as a child!
ReplyDeleteGood to hear you have posted your first fifteen pages. It can be hard to let a manuscript go so that alone deserves some form of celebration to be sure. I agree that reading the work of others can re-charge a writer’s batteries – I have a stack of books waiting to be read myself as soon as I have a few more chapters of my own novel under my belt.
As for Dickens’ Oliver Twist – it isn’t a favourite of mine either but I agree, his prose is beautiful at times. As it happens, I am actually working on a novel that includes Charles Dickens, based on the well known ‘family fact’ that my great, great grandfather used to take tea with Charles Dickens in London in the mid 1800s. The novel began as a straightforward historical work but during the research, has transformed into something quite different.
I am not getting much writing done at the moment with Christmas looming and family things taking precedence. Hopefully I’ll get back to writing more than my blog in January.
Thanks again for popping by,
I was sure I commented here already... I certainly tried to anyway. Hmm...
ReplyDeleteAnyway, well done :) I shall have a read through. I don't think its a bad thing at all to be reading to recharge your batteries. Reading is good for the soul!
X Nari