
Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Message from Bulgaria

Enjoying a life of leisure, albeit 10 days on a package. It's a taste of how things ought to be if I became a full time writer. I've been spending my writing time editing rather than writing. However, as always, I have found that travelling never fails to inspire me with new ideas and this time has been no exception, watch this space. I have also made some very nice friends in our hotel, a retired couple from Harlow and a professor from Rumania.
Ushabti is undergoing another rewrite. Maybe not enough action for the big or small screen, but perhaps it has potential for a radio or theatre play. The second offering for this blog has a working title, "Fairfax goes to Ephesus" about a mother and her unemployed middle aged son on holiday in Turkey. Her son Fairfax, has done his homework preparing for their 'holiday of a lifetime' reading from cover to cover everything he can find out about the history of Turkey during early Greek and Roman times. He absorbs information in the manner of a prodigious savant, instead of the structured co-ordinated research of a true scholar.
His battleaxe mother Myrtle, a scathing no nonsense Yorkshire lass has not got a kind word to say for her son. But blood is thicker than water so they say.
I have written this play as a radio play. As an undiscovered writer, a radio budget could manage the far flung location of Ephesus. It would be too much to ask to send this one to a TV or film producer.